
Gian Mario Infelici


Chief Executive Officer
Since 2004, my career has been fueled by an unbroken passion for web advertising and interactive communication. My journey in the digital marketing world began in 2001 with display advertising platforms, paving the way for deep expertise in the sector. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of leading significant advertising projects and contributing to the development of innovative digital platforms for online communication management, collaborating with leading companies. Since 2008, my focus on marketing strategy has allowed me to provide expert consulting and orchestrate highly successful global advertising campaigns. Since 2011, I have served as the managing director of Ad Spray, marking a further advancement in my madtech career. Later, in 2013, I became the CEO of Adabra.com, a revolutionary marketing intelligence platform that has transformed how e-commerce businesses understand and interact with their customers. Today, as CEO of Blendee, I lead the first European marketing operating system (M.o.s.), a cutting-edge platform that integrates data collection, recognition, and personalization to transcend traditional digital boundaries. My motto "Moving to the future" not only guides Blendee's corporate vision but also reflects my personal philosophy, always geared towards innovation and progress in the digital marketing sector.